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Request Yo Racks 3.0 Concepts

RYR 3.0 is a MAJOR rewrite of the project. And RYR being a collection of projects, changes will happen in most of them.

RYR Family

The reasons for such a rewrite are mainly:

  • Leveraging what we learned and apply it to produce higher quality deliverables
  • Using technologies with a higher adoption rate in order to:
    • Benefit from a more modern tooling
    • Gain more contributors

Working with Polymer was cool, but it was very hard to find people interested in helping. Switching to ReactJS gave us the opportunity to attract more contributors very quickly. It also made it way quicker/easier to find documentation, examples and tools.

Main projects


As mentioned previously, we are switching from Polymer to ReactJS. This is the biggest task!

In addition to this we want our components to be documented and tested. We want to be able to use them individually easily and provide demos (as a form a test and documentation).

We plan on using Ant and Ant Mobile for the UI component libraries.

List of Issues.


The backend is currently operational, distributed, elastic and well tested. But we want to go even further.

Here is what we want to implement in the next version:

  • Use OpenAPI to define the REST API
    • Describe the API using an OpenAPI document
    • Generate the REST API server
  • Add extra collectors
  • Improve the validity of the data being collected
  • Send emails automatically

List of Issues.


Documentation is a key principle of this RYR. There is always something to write about or some room for improvement.

We have very good overview documentation, a great setup guide, but each of our project should have individual documentation providing the following:

  • A README file containing:
    • General information about the project
    • A quick start guide to set it up
    • A quick start guide for contributors
  • A Changelog following the keep a changelog recommendations
  • A static documentation web site:
    • Explaining in great details how to use this specific project
    • Explaining in great details how to contribute to this specific project
    • Updated with each merge to the master branch
    • Hosted on GitHub page


The Infrastructure is in a fairly good shape, but we are always looking for more automation or ways to improve our workflows.

Probot for Issue/Pull-Request management

Probot is a set of apps to automate and improve your GitHub workflows. We should use some of them to manage our projects more efficiently.

Here are a few apps we identified:

We are also using Gitmate for sizing PRs. We should write a Probot app to replace it.

List of Issues.

Artwork / Branding / Marketing

The project needs a stronger identity.

We have cool logos, a nice design, but we have nothing defining the "brand" of our project.

Ideally each of our project/subproject should have its own identity, while preserving the feeling of being a piece of the RYR ecosystem.


As we are starting to create cool pieces artworks, they probably deserve their own project.


A newsletter is a great channel to provide information to your users. We have a few ideas to execute this task:

  • Write our own: it shounds appealing, but we would need to be sure to be able to create enough content.
  • Use other's newsletter: for example post an article in Bike Austin, Open Austin, etc.
  • Compile related information from other sources: This may also be automated.

Social media

We do not have any presence on social media yet. We should probably have at least a Facebook page, and twitter account.

Side projects

Landing page

The current landing page was a very small and simple project we used to learn Polymer 3.0. Converting it to ReactJS would be a good way to become more familiar with the framework.

List of Issues.

Chart repository index page

Our Helm Chart index page is a very simple static page built by parsing our chart repository index file (official documentation).

Ideally we would suppress the static generation step by developing an application which would generate the page on the fly. Something similar to what Docsify does, but for the chart index instead.

Flower Docker image

There is currently no official upstream flower image for Docker. Ours is similar to the images that can be found on the Docker hub, but has the advantages of being current and very small (47MB - 3x to 6x smaller than other ones).

We should polish it and position it as the default image for Flower, and ideally it would become the official upstream image.

List of Issues.

Flower Helm Chart

Having a good Docker Image is one thing, but being able to deploy it easily and quickly is another one.

Our chart works fine to deploy Flower in our development environment but is not production ready. We should push it to the next level and like the Docker image, position it as the official chart, submit it upstream, as well as to the official Charts for Helm.

List of Issues.

Living style guide

We need a style guide to ensure consistency in our projects and simplify the development process.

react-styleguidist seems to be a great candidate, but there is definitely more research to do.

3rd party projects we use that could receive some love

We are using a wide variety of open source tools to build RYR. It would be nice to allocate some cycles to contribute back.

Python - Flower

Python - Responses